電話 | 02-23025033
地址 | 台北市內湖區瑞光路168號9樓
信箱 | sales@wissen-tech.com
© Copyright – 知更科技有限公司
– design by Morcept
The Extended method has an 88 minute gradient and a cycle time of 93 minutes. The analytical column is equilibrated at 1500 nl/min. The gradient flow is 220 nl/min and increased to 1500 nl/min for washing (Figure 1).Two columns can be used for the method; the EV1106 Endurance column at ambient temperature (23 °C in this case) or the EV1137 Performance column at 40 °C. Both columns should be used in combi nation with the appropriate emitter (Table 1)
電話 | 02-23025033
地址 | 台北市內湖區瑞光路168號9樓
信箱 | sales@wissen-tech.com
© Copyright – 知更科技有限公司
– design by Morcept