電話 | 02-23025033
地址 | 台北市內湖區瑞光路168號9樓
信箱 | sales@wissen-tech.com
© Copyright – 知更科技有限公司
– design by Morcept
All Evosep One methods are carefully optimized for specific columns to provide the best compromise between performance, robustness and throughput. We have now developed an additional Performance column for the 60 and 100 samples per day methods (SPD) to address applications with high demands. This is packed with smaller 1.5 µm C18 particles compared to the standard column with 3 µm particles. Separation efficiency is inversely proportional to the particle size resulting in increased separation efficiency for the Performance column. However, this higher column efficiency comes at the cost of higher backpressure. By also increasing the internal diameter (ID) to 150 µm compared to the standard column with an ID of 100 µm, the backpressure is again decreased to a reasona ble level at ambient temperature (Figure 1). Thus, the Performance column is the ideal choice for applications where excellent chroma to graphic separation is the goal.
電話 | 02-23025033
地址 | 台北市內湖區瑞光路168號9樓
信箱 | sales@wissen-tech.com
© Copyright – 知更科技有限公司
– design by Morcept